what the fuck is this show. its so full of bullshit. like the fucking amish dont know how to clean up. thats totla bullshit. when i saw the start i couldnt even tell who was amish and who wasnt. ths chicks were all hot. i thought it was some sitcom but its a fucking reality tv show. man tv is going down the drain. there running out of ideas
And no, I'm not getting photo incentives from those ads. If i wanted to do that, I'd just say 'Rip Curl, Nordica, Marker, Level, Astrix.' See? Now i've made money.' - Brad Holmes to some idiot kid from Potland Maine
'If I had to think about my steeze it wouldn't be mine. It's got to come naturally. Style is your own way to be, to ride, to live.' - Dan Mavrey, Pro wakeboarder