I have a 2009 Macbook pro 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 Ram. I recently started to edit with 720p60 HD Canon T3i footage that I got from my friend. I am constantly getting dropped frames and after hours of troubleshooting figured that the only option is to "increase the speed of my system and/or disc drives" as it tells me every time I drop frames. I have the standard 500GB hardrive that came with it and I know that you can get better ones that have a faster rpm (I believe). So I guess the question is would I have to invest in more ram (To 8GB) or invest in a better/faster hard drive?
Also, when I edit in 30FPS or less, everything works perfectly.
Sorry if I got any terms wrong or said something that is wrong, I am not an expert with this kind of stuff!
+K for help