ok, here's to people who shit on instagram.....
I think instagram is a great way for people to quickly share something with others that they find interesting, artistic, or unique. It's a way for people to inspire others or look for inspiration. Say you don't have your DSLR (or camera of choice) with you, instagram is a fast, simple way for you to get the shot and instantly share it with others. Instagram is not something that should be taken seriously, but something that should be considered a fast social-network of photos, from people you care to pay attention to. Those of you who say "instagram is for hipsters" i'm just going to say your fucking wrong, yes, people use instagram as an accessory, or something that they think makes them "hip" but these type of people are not at all the majority of instagram users. Those of you who say "instagram photos are over edited" once again, fucking wrong. Personally i rarely use filters, i like using my eye and the basics of photography to capture a decent shot. Using a pre-set will not make your photo a better photo. And yes, there are obnoxious instagram users who feel as though they have been given the power to become a photographer, but there are people like this who exist around the world. I don't think there is any reason to hate instagram if you enjoy finding inspiration and observing the things others see.
follow me: sam_colby