K2 Rant helmet - size medium - Black/Red - 9/10 Condition ---- $30 shipped
Seth Morrison Strap 8.5/10, Red Frame 10/10, Text Riggers 10/10, HI Persimmon lens 6.5/10 --- $50 shipped
Line Fleece (inside) Bandana, uses Velcro to strap together --- $15 shipped
ALL TOGETHER (since they match wonderfully) --- $75 shipped.
Denim Crowbars - persimmon lens (10/10 - used once) --- $50 shipped
Matching Beanie --- FREE with Crowbars
Salomon Facemask... sweet silky/polyester,neoprene material. BRAND NEW - I don't believe they sell these. I got them from a local skier who is sponsored by Salomon.
---$30 shipped
Purple and Pink Crowbars
Strap 8/10 riggers 10/10 and frame 6/10 - crappy dye job
---- $20 shipped
Left Royal Blue Rigger
--- $10 shipped