"Mr. Jones went to a restaurant and ordered a pizza for dinner. When the waiter asked if he wanted it cut into six or eight pieces, Mr. Jones said: You'd better make it six, I could never eat eight!"
needless to say, i lol'd because that shit's just funny. as i progress into the next paragraph, i read this:
"These three jokes (the one i read was the last of three) are taken from a study of children's humor conducted by Paul McGhee (1776). If they don't strike you as hilarious, that is because you are no longer in middle childhood. The typical 8 or 9 year old finds them very funny. This joke involves a misunderstanding about conservation; Mr. Jones apparently thinks the amount of pizza increases if it is cut into more slices. (etc etc). This error in reasoning is conquered during middle childhood, which is why children this age find these jokes funny; the punch lines deal with skills 8 or 9 year olds have recently acquired."
I felt mildly retarded after that part. now i don't want to study psych anymore.