ok first of if you have some shit to say just leave..money is money and il sell what i please to obtain it..here are the pictures and what i have to say--
OKAY so this is were it is, i qiut runescape long time ago i do not play runescape iv been trying to sell this account for a very long time now but no sites really have offerd me shit for it so iv come here. He has about 40mill bank net yea ik not too good, but he has 95 prayer, choctice maul fire cape blah blah void. TO ENSURE IM NOT SCAMMING i will give you my phone number, street adress, email, name, state, town, anything you want to know to get to me/contact me/ beat the shit out of me if you think im going to scam witch im not here to do. IN other words you can call the cops and be like ya this bitch stole my cash..they will come to me iv done it to someone b4 and i didt even live in the same state. to ensure who i am i can skyp you, what ever man jsut to make you feel confortable with the trade.. im 16yrs old i dont even know how somone would get away with that i wouldt be able to sleep tbh but OK HERE ARE THE PICTURES/ IF YOU WANT TO MEET IN GAME JUST EMAIL ME! MY EMAIL IS BOARDINGNRIDEN@YAHOO.COM here are the pictures--http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/rs2k.jpg/
--Hit that shit!