Replying to Someone Jacked My Front License Plate....
The fuck??? I come out of the store to realize that my front plate is missing. At first I just thought it fell off, but then I looked at where the bolts were screwed in and it wasn't like there was a crack or split or anything like that. There's no way two tightly screwed bolts could have both come unloose to the point where the plate just fell off. Just kind of a weird thing to steal. It's a NH plate and our motto is Live Free Or Die and everyone seems to love that so I'm assuming that's maybe why some Utard took my plate. Still just kind of weird. In NH, you need a front and back plate, but since I'm out of state in Utah, do you think it will matter that I don't have a front plate? I'm assuming no but do you think I should get another plate shipped out to me?
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