Ok, so I just came back from a trip from Eastern Washington and on the way I went on a hike around The Summit At Snoqualmie. Walking by I saw these features which some may be old but new paint, but some seem new, or I dont remember these (but I am more than sure at least one of these are new). The Flat/down/flat could be the same from this season but this one seems longer but that could just be me. Now the A-frame Barrel I'm sure is new, I have no memory of this thing last season! We had a A-frame rail but not this barrel welded thing. Its not as steep and its longer, seems very fun. Then theirs another barrel rail and 3 other propane barrels. I dont think these are the same barrels as last year because I saw other barrels from last season laying out as well. So look at the eye candy and be stoked for next season!!! :D