$ or trades accepted... small sale --- stuff has just been sitting in a drawer, I will separate crowbar parts. check my feedback, im good to go.
First up Seth Morrison Crowbars - strap dyed red. Frame 8/10 riggers 10/10 strap 8/10 and lens is 6/10
i think it's pink iridium or some sort of iridium persimmon... when it's next to a persimmon (like the 0 frame in the pic) it doesnt look the same. it has blue and pink iridium reflection to it... any help would be killer.
Text Crowbars - frame & rigger 10/10, strap 9/10
Lowriders 10/10 - mint color
Kicker HP 201s new in box
Salomon mask is 10/10
Oakley key chain tabs and earbuds will be thrown in with buyers.