I guess I'll start by introducing myself, I'm Obsessedwski and I've been pretty active in the Vancouver scene — I've been setting up premieres for three years now, organized a couple contests and competitions as well.
I've been approached by Level 1 to run their premiere again in Vancouver, but because I'll be studying at McGill starting this September I had to pass that role on to someone else. That being said Level 1's now saying they'll back me if I get something going in Montreal, maybe targeting the college/university scene.
I've only been in Montreal for a total of 3 days before and the scene is completely new to me so I thought I'd gauge it by putting something up in regionals.
Yay? Nay? Would you come even though IF3 will be in September? As of now I'd like to make it a club event and get some drinks flowin', any ideas?