This thread will hopefully help clean up a lot of threads about the GoPro Camera.
First off... if you have a GoPro and lost your manual go here
this has instruction manuals for all of their cameras and also the Firmware Update to use Battery Pack, 3D system and Screen attachments.
I reccomend editing GoPro footage on any of these programs
Final Cut Pro
Adobe Premiere Elements
Adobe Elements Pro
Windows Movie Maker
NOTE: When editing it makes the video/picture so much better if you change around the saturation, brightness and color settings. It makes the colors deeper and richer.
If anyone else has programs that work well post below.
Now. I have bought a lot of attachments over the last year and a half.
Screen Attachment is very useful 10/10
Flotation Attachment - works great - holds weight of camera. 10/10
Tripod attachment - its what you expect. 10/10
Anti Fog Inserts - reusable and work great. 10/10
I have been using the GoPro for nearly 2 years. I am not an expert but I do know a lot about the camera so if you have any questions send me a message or post below.