Don't take it, it'll keep you busy when you should be doing other stuff. Buy an N64 with mario kart. Then, play drunk driver if you're bored before going out. Everyone opens their beer before the start of the race, then you cannot cross the finish line until your beer is gone. Also, you aren't allowed to drink and drive at the same time, so you gotta put the controller down in order to drink.
Another good variation with stronger mixed drinks- play 4,3,2,1. The person that finishes in first drinks 4 large gulps of their mixed drink, 2nd gets 3, 3rd gets 2, and 4th gets 1 (I've done this with shots, and do not recommend it). This game ensures everyone gets drunk because if someone is much better than everyone at mario kart, they will get a lot more drunk quicker and the 4th place person at the beginning will soon become the 1st place finisher.