jesus, this is the thread i was looking for. i am really surprised i can write this right now. laced? naw jk. but really?? nein !? shit that was from a different part of the night.
new paraGRAPH ! so, yknow to whoever cares, i went for a fun little, wait im going to say wittle cause thats what i wanted to say. shit. so i went for a wittle fun with my sober friend in his blazer, when on a soaked old skinny dirt road, that was fucking awesome. gapped a rooad too. Boxxy ! i see youre on tonight and elgato. but ive heard some STUFF about you and i think i should leave it at that (l l b i n . i took out every second letter in that to code it ;) and there is a missing space. double tripple that word jaaa.
final paragraPH, time to actu... wow just had to put in a pizza. but there was a pan in the oven so it was hot and i had to carefully remove it . safely. now im jamming with some pretty chill people.
fuck .. uh CONCLUSION?? ya i think sao . this paragraph stucture is horrid. and even i know that . and i know that i know that. i got that. uh. ski compe saturday and same with a midterm. im as fucking stressed as a middle eastern teenager not knowing who his parents have arrange the wedding with. wow that was probably a super bad metaphore. i could say something abou tthat but ill stop.but sick medaphores papa lanks in that chemickals in my butt.