I have made several different trampolien skis, some better than others. But today i have come across the perfect trampolien skis material. I purchased the wood at homedepot its call like ' No Rot' or sumthing. Its a type of polyboard used for decorating houses. The material is stiff enough to not flop over when goin for grabs of flipping like with cardboard. Its has very good flex so you can take bounce after bounce. It isnt invincible tho...if you can down with the ski vertically instead of horizotally it would most likely snap in two. You can buy it up to 16 feet in length but i recoment making then no longer than 4 ft because they become a little uncontrolable after that length.
Here are my prototypes( the arnt the same size as you can see) I gave them a little paint job.then shalacked then to keep the paint on( i couldnt because i had no avaible to me.
Directions: you will need old shoes, duct tape, and No Rot wood cut to disired length.
1.Tape a shoe to each board
2. get as much tape around the bottom so it wont wear of and the shoe wont come loose.
3.You can use them now, i put tape around the nose and tail to make sure there would be no ripping of the tramp but i doubt it would rip it anyways.
4.paint a disired graffic on the bottom to make cool.
hope this helps anyone looking to make a pretty cheap trampski...only took me a half hour to make.