NS i need your help. i left this in the regionals and got some people to back it up on FB. all i'm asking is if you guys could go on facebook and like the comment i made regarding my home mountain (snoqualmie) half pipe.
so i left this comment on snoqualmies park facebook page about the halfpipe and how its a waste of space and we should get rid of it and fill it in with something else. read below and if you agree you should go to their facebook page and like it and leave a comment about whatever and see if we can change this if you all agree with it. My name is Sam Carson so you will know what comment it is.
this is what i left.
just wondering why we cant build a halfpipe in a LA NINA year with tons of snow in the middle of winter while Mt. HOOD can build 3 in the middle of summer and now they are adding another with not so much snow. just wondering cause our halfpipe is a waste of space cause we havent built one in quite a few years, so you should get rid of the dirt mold and sell the halpipe equipment and get new jibs/ make new jibs.
please read this cause we could have such a better park with the space that pipe takes up, and also if you guys did build a halfpipe this year, nobody would know how to use it cause nobody knows how to ride a pipe and do anything in it so it would be a waste of time to make it. I'm sure those pipe cutters or whatever they are called and whatever else you need to create a pipe could go towards alot of jibs and other stuff and maybe increase your pay wage for working on park crew. =)