Regan's era was only good because the guy opened up the credit card HARDcore in his downright desire to beat the communists and 'WIN'. In the process, that created jobs. Yeah... that's right HE SPENT. How freakin republican of him eh? He cut funding to a lot of programs and other things - but he spent ridiculous amounts in other areas.
Then, once he was gone, all those jobs fell off the map by 1992... It was a sort of "job bubble'' if you will. That wasn't going to last very long anyways unless the Soviets stuck around - when really, they were driving themselves into a hole anyways Animal-Farm style and would have probably fallen without our 'help' sometime within the 1990's anyways.
On top of that, now we were in epic debt due to all the spending we had done since Iran ditched the Shah, and spilled into a recession.
Clinton picked up a lot of the pieces during his era, and went from inheriting massive debt to giving W. a surplus.. And in the process made just about EVERYONE love America. Meanwhile, the Republicans (especially Newt) made him out to be this immoral terrible person with the Lewinski thing... even though at the same time, most of said republicans (especially NEWT..) were going around doing just about the same thing. Fucking talk about fucked up.
And 8 years later, here we are, Obama inherits something similar to what Clinton had... A world that's indifferent to our country due to terrible foreign policy, and the Idea that America can just throw the Monroe Doctrine all over the planet...
However, now we are in twice as bad of debt, and the republican party wont budge from it's "hell no we wont go" platform...
That party couldn't give a fuck if Obama succeeded... they want him to fail, and this country to fail just so they can jump into power and constitute their crap all over the place.
The Democrats aren't all great or anything, but damn if I dont believe they are the lesser of the two evils in this 2 party system...