Hey NS i am selling a pair of L saga ghost pants. I bought them off of "dylhole" a week ago and am using one of his pics (with the keys). They are in good condition other than a few things. One small brown stain (pictured), a few very minuscule scuffs, a unbelievably small ski edge slit, and in one of the boot gators it has a small cut that could be sewed back but doesnt effect the performance at all. I am just looking to get back what i payed which was
$100 shipped. I would also trade for
3XL-5XL Lohi or Ignant, or XL Saga vest but offer whatever. Pm me with offers or post in thread.
+k for bumps
-k for hate/pointless posts
Look at second picture for actual color. In my picture the lights give is a yellow is look, but it is actually very white