waterskiing is such a broad topic, their is jump skiing, distance jump skiing, barefooting, barefoot trick, ski racing, trick skiing, wakeskiing, show skiing, sky skiing and slalom skiing. To say that wakeboarding is way bigger than waterskiing is false IMO. Wakeboarding is basically just another branch off of waterskiing just as the same as any of the others that I listed. In barefooting its without skis, trick skiing is with a trick ski, etc etc. So in my opinion waterskiing is way bigger than wakeboarding, you just dont realize it.
[img] http://backwatergamblers.com/getattachment/4c17be42-3c60-4259-86b4-9dcd38f7e44f/Cubs-Game-2009-6-10-002.aspx?maxsidesize=720[/img]
jump skiing
Show skiing (pyramid)
more show skiing
barefoot trick