I fucking hate when i'm at a show and some kid tries to give me a light show. So fucking stupid. I dig the allure and understand and i guess i have a tainted view because i knew this total doucher kid who was sponsored for light gloving or whatever and he would roll tits like twice a week at shows and fucking play with his light gloves... but it was chill cuz the tickets were free and he was sponsored. Like thats sick you get free tickets and you get gloves and maybe even some fucking free X but like when you're 40 and your brain is fried and your kids are like dad why can't you create new memories? You'll be like well i took hard drugs and played with lights... that were attatched to gloves... and yeah thats pretty much it. I'd think my dad was a fucking retard. Like sick you friend your brain to play around with glorified light up mittens.
don't care i had to get out my rage