This up coming winter i am going to be offering a SKI TUNE UP' AND WAXING
i would be able to do skis or snowboards
i have many years of experience and hand wax (better than going to a shop)
i have a wide range of temperature waxes i would be able to help choose what u should put on your skis. i would also tune / de-tune edges
most shops around the north shore will have prices from 25-40 just to have skis waxed! my price is first time $8 and additional skis $5 preseason heavy coats of wax help elongate the life span of your sensitive ski bases. perfect for those who go to Willmot Mountain or Alpine Vally every weekend or those who go out west once or twice a year. questions call or text me 1(847)347-5759
Quinn McLaughlin
im near northern chicago / suthern wisconsin