So... let me get this right. you are roadblock? this sir makes me very very skeptical.
but heres your up load.
And for grins and giggles lets point out that walshy uploaded this video and this is what he had to say..
"This is Roadblock's final Halo 3 montage, edited by Backfire. The gameplay is entirely MLG and showcases some of the sickest no scopes and reflexes I have ever seen. The editing is minimal at request of Roadblock himself in order to display the gameplay in its maximum glory, a very smart decision in my opinion. Even though the editing is minimal, I still really liked it. It showcases a simple intro that matches the feel of the song very nicely, a well defined flow, and lots of clean, natural syncing (syncing done with the mere placement of clips). As for the song, I didn't really like it at first because I'm not a fan of rap in general, but it quickly grew on me and Rihanna is quite good in it. Overall, this is one of the better 100% MLG montages out there and should do quite well in the Movie Competition. Enjoy!"
If in fact you are road block, i will retract my previous statement and tell you that you are in fact the best player on NS. But the like likely hood of this being real, is about as realistic as saying Hood wont get snow this year.