Alright, how about some constructive critisim, instead of just an ignorant comment.
First off, I liked the 3's on the big jumps. Lots of people wouldn't spin jumps that big so you have a good foundation to build on with that.
The editing left something to be desired. But it is a good learning opportunity. Just watch lots of edits and get a feel for what You like. If you personally think it looks better to have all of your shots fade like that then do it. I noticed lots of your shots would stop before the fade was actually complete. When you are filming make sure your filmer starts the video long before you do your trick and lets it record for awhile after your trick. That will make editing a lot easier, and will give you some room so the fade isn't still happening while you are doing your trick.
Music will never be right. You can never make anyone happy. Be creative, and whatever you like then use. I personally didn't care much for the song but that is just me. Whichever song you use try to get something with a solid beat. it will help you edit smoother and faster.
People are hating on the Oakley suit. What ever man, if you like it, then rock it! Not everyone needs a super tall tee, and not everyone needs to be gypsy with skinnys and a leather jacket. All about personal preference.
The skiing was actually pretty good, people are always going to hate on here, and the majority of the time it is just a defensive thing. My recommendation would be try to prevent having the same trick in your edit more than once. It is easy to impress your auntie with multiple front flip shots, but if you are serious about using your promo to gain sponsorship you are sending it to people who understand the ski industry. They will be impressed by a clean frontflip, but they won't be impressed when they have to see 6 frontflips. If you have the same trick on a different feature that is fine. i.e. a fs 270 out of a down bar, and a fs 270 out of a cannon box. That is totally fine. It makes filming a lot harder because all of a sudden you can't make an edit that is 3 minutes long so easy, you might only have 30 seconds to a minute of footage. No big deal, it will just force you to learn new tricks. Practice and progression.
And most of all, HAVE FUN! Keep skiing and enjoying yourself. Just take some of what I said and use it. Editing is something that takes just as much time and practice as the actual skiing. Don't stress it homie.