google maps from the middle of denver to the abasin exit is exactly 1 hour. just stop posting, you're wrong. and you're calling me dumb and say im an imcompetant fool, and I can't comprehend what you write? are you serious?
no, I didnt get the summit pass(re-read my post). I got the epic pass last year, yes for $225 (I know it is 650 normally, I got a deal). no shit there are no mountains in denver, but there are no mountains
in SLC either, right?
not once did I say you shouldnt be alert when driving on I70. I said that its the easiest mountain/canyon road ive driven on out of 6 different states and 5 resorts in NZ. you're driving through the mountains, you obviously have to watch what you're doing, but compared to anywhere else ive driven, utah, nz, and back roads through vt are waaaay worse overall. sure theres a couple sketchy turns, but its still all 2 lanes and properly paved highway road.
then you call people retards for slowing down in a spot that's actually needed? coming out of the tunnel you have no clue whats on the other side, therefore you should slow down.
my advice to you: spot posting on NS, you look like a 'tard. before you try to comment on driving again, you should put down the fake plastic steering wheel mommy gave you when you were 6, get your permit, and learn how to drive. until then, tell your mom she's driving too slow, and she should concentrate on the road instead of my dick.