by cheap i mean free. THIS IS NOT A SCAM! it is by a big national company and they are partnered with ebay and aol.
get your free ipod!
i read through their privacy statment and terms of use. they will not send you anything you didnt ask for in the mail. they said that they will, however send you a newsletter occasionally (easy to block if you want to with most email accounts). you have to sign up with ebay and you can either use a credit card or if you have wither an email address that is from your ISP or a lesser known site (not yahoo or hotmail or so on, if you use one of those it needs a credit card). then you need to get 5 other people to also sign up for ebay the same way. you need to do it through their site though.
check out: for proof that it is real and you can really get an ipod!
'What Kind of skis are those?' -this stupid poser kid
'Line' -me
'who makes that?' -this stupid poser kid
'Line' -me