Hey Guys,
So I went cliff jumping today and tried to get some photos of it on my family's point and shoot. Well after reviewing what we had captured I realized that the camera just wasn't cutting it. So I have decided to pony up and try to get an entry level DSLR. So knowing what type of people cruise M&A I thought I'd ask you guys.
I checked the sticky on asking for help, so here are the answers.
1. I'm looking at getting something in the $400-$500 range. I will have cash to add to this later on as well.
2. I've been using a point and shoot and have fooled around with some DSLR's in the store.
3. I have no other equipment.
4. I'm looking at using the camera for mostly shooting skiing and other action sports. But I may also use it for family stuff as well as some nature stuff. On a side note I may split the camera with my father (who is not tech savy and is used to a point n' shoot) who is a real estate agent and will use it to take pictures of homes he is selling. (So the camera needs to function easily in a basic way.)
5. I will mainly use the camera but as I said my dad may also use it in a basic capacity.
6. I will probably shoot from a tripod while filming snow-skiing. I will probably also shoot from a boat filming water skiing. (Any hints for donig this will be greatly appreciated.) I will probably also shot out of hand from time to time. Photos will probably be my main thing but I will shoot some videos to.
7. I have a MBP 13" which I will use to edit the photos. It is stock so it has 4GB Ram and I believe a 500gb hard drive.
8. I don't have a serious editing software at the moment. I would love any suggestions on a cheap or free program. Doesn't have to be too serious.
I have looked around online and I think that a NIKON D3000 will probably fit the bill. WOULD THIS WORK? I believe this camera is my frontrunner. I was looking at just getting a basic lens with it as well.
I have found it new online for $450.
Could I find it cheaper? Are there any good used options? Would someone on NSer's be looking to get rid of one?
P.S. Are there any good review sites so I could review cameras?