Brand New Saga Moss Pants, Size XL, with tags still in plastic
Looking for $110+shipping

Brand New with tags Eye Trip Under Armour shirt, size L
$20 + shipping

Celtek Clan Park gloves, never worn, Size XL
looking for $20 + shipping, obo

I've also got a Spy headband, Dew Tour bandana, a blue SkullCandy bandana, Candy Grind beanie, all never used, and some stickers. if you buy something else I can throw one of these in with it, or if you're willing to pay shipping plus a couple extra bucks they're yours

Finally, I'm looking for one ski from either of these pairs, both 179's, I broke one of the skis from each of them so I only need one
Rossignol S4

K2 Disorderly