Stupid question. Most parks are un skiable on a powder day. Powder isn't there everyday either. Especially in the east.
Own 2 pairs, soon to be 3. My cbars have 4 lens options tho.
>implying you have to wear the same thing everyday. I will wear the same thing as last year, but will always add to my collection. Jiberish makes nice clothes and their quality is legit, whats not to like. Firstdrop has killer sales, bought 2 hoodies for 50$. Saga is not my style, i like funky and tall.
I have a job. 18$/hr digging holes for hydro poles for new subdivisons. Pays for anything a hs kid would need.
I ride my skis till they die. Plus i already buy skis from cheaper brands like, so it's not a big deal to replace.
Tall-t's set me apart from the avergae person on the mountain. Its not all about it, but how you wear it. My style of riding looks good with a tall-t. I see so many park riders, who are amazing, but tall=ts just don't suit em. Plus i ski in QBC, everyone is very style concience.
Don't get it. You honestly don't post enough, to say that. I love everything on this site. Even the stupidest threads end up making me laugh cause of some funny member. eg* "that movie was great"
yah get of your turning skis, even if you don't ski park you will have more fun. Skiing backwards is great. My paps even does it.