I strike up conversation with college girls on tinder mostly to see how many different ways there are to say I'm wasting my parents money doing drugs and not learning anything besides how to take dick well. exerts:
"I'm undeclared with a minor in leadership" wtf is a minor in leadership?
"I'm from California studying communications at DU/CU (gotten this one about two dozen times now)" so you're spending 40k a year to learn how to communicate clearly?
"Oh I don't have a major but I'm in a sorority!" some girls pride themselves on their dick taking abilities
"Well I just transferred from ASU*, I think I'm gonna major in communications" some girls realllly pride themselves on their dick taking abilities
"I just got back from a year abroad, I don't know what I want to major in but I really like psychology" spent 40k on tuition to drink beer in europe/australia/chile; doesn't realize psychology generally requires graduate studies to mean anything worthwhile
to be fair, after noting how stupid they are in my head, I keep that to myself and then hang out with said girls because they're young and hot and nobody cares about intelligence in a one night stand, but GOD DAMN are most people stupid as fuck.
*life tip on ASU girls. wear condom, take precautionary z-pack with your breakfast.