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TOAST.was at concert in the rain last night and now my phone has water under the screen, still works surprisingly well...for now.
SivvyI just want to be an NHL Ice Girl but apparently in our modern world that's not even a pipe dream. Is it wrong I just want to get payed for having my tits out on the ice?
SivvyTo whoever pissed on a certain New Mexico porta potty seat this afternoon, you are a scoundrel and I despise you
SchizoSkierwere u at the parade thing
crehaving a blast out here in steamboat. Cmc is such a good time. Cant wait for the snow to fall!
profa_212Had some buddies go to CMC. Sounded sick. Steamboats a kick ass resort. I'll probs see ya there this winter
weastcoatNot even in salt lake for a full 2 weeks and I already have woman issues/ had to block a female. Maybe I am the problem.
TOAST.The guy at the phone store yesterday told me all about how CMC was the beginning of his alcoholism which turned into his life story about how he went from living in luxury with rich people to a halfway house in Pennsylvania. That is what I get for having Metro as a cell phone provider I guess.
Thegenericskierjust talked with my mom and she is saying that more than 200 dead in my county alone with thousands of body bags arriving at townhall, keep in mind my county population is around 17,000 people. it is genuinely going to be months before my home town is functional again
Thegenericskierjust talked with my mom and she is saying that more than 200 dead in my county alone with thousands of body bags arriving at townhall, keep in mind my county population is around 17,000 people. it is genuinely going to be months before my home town is functional again
Thegenericskierjust talked with my mom and she is saying that more than 200 dead in my county alone with thousands of body bags arriving at townhall, keep in mind my county population is around 17,000 people. it is genuinely going to be months before my home town is functional again
PartyBullshiitIdk know about this. That would bring the death toll to 400 which is currently just barely 200 for every state combined. On our hill there was a few peoples houses washed away but no deaths so far. Our lower neighbors house is gone and our garage which was a step down from the house is gone as well, our direct lower neighbors are now using our cabin as temporary housing since we can’t make it up there and while we don’t have local power we have generators so better they use it than go to a shelter.
Thegenericskieri believe it quite well, temporary morgues have been set up downtown, and many many reports of bodies flowing down rivers. keep in mind the rural towns of WNC are in valleys where water pools up quickly not to mention the amount of mobile homes not built to survive this type of storm. several towns have been completely wiped off the map see spruce pine and chimney rock. from what i can tell from your previous posts is that your cabin is rather close to Cataloochee higher up in the mountains so it would not be as badly affected as the areas in the bottoms of the valleys so your personal view may be skewed. With communications being down for several days the official numbers have not been able to reach news outlets and likely is a low priority as of now, also the rural areas are being severely under reported in comparison to more developed areas like Boone and Asheville. I am convinced that this tragedy is only going to get worse as utilities are restored and that the devastation is immeasurable that will take months to restore completely
Everyone I know and care about are doing just fine so im glad about that
PartyBullshiitCorrect our cabin is on Cataloochee but many of our friends live down in Maggie valley, waynesville and Hendersonville and no one has been reporting 200+ dead in any of the areas. I have absolutely no numbers will wise but doubling the death toll of the entire storm itself across every state just in one city hasn’t been likely at all. I hope that’s not the case as well. Not sure where exactly you’re talking about but again there’s been absolutely zero reports of 200+ people dead in one city.
Thegenericskieryes, reports have not been made as they cannot be made just yet. i do pray that the number is wrong it is just what i have heard from several credible sources working with police dispatch and town hall. the locations i am talking about are the valleys mountain side beech, sugar, mount mitchell which are all very susceptible to flooding
PartyBullshiitBeech and sugar got less rainfall than Maggie, Wayne’s and Henderson based off the numbers being reported. They’re also not as low lying as the for-mentioned. I’m going off the same things you are, locals reporting conditions and there just hasn’t been anywhere near the numbers of deaths you’re talking about anywhere across NC. Again I’m talking double the reported deaths of the entire storm just in one city alone. Even a single death is horrible and saddening across the board. Only time will tell where everything ends up. Just as someone who lives who lives
directly in these storms wake I know exactly how people conflate things in the chaos of the moment and in the end things seem to be much less than than are. I would be beyond shocked if 200+ people died in one city alone. Would also be beyond shocked if double the amount of people died in one state as the entire storm has claimed so far acoss 4 states. So far I believe its 80 People total
in NC.
ThegenericskierMy whole family including myself is from southern Florida so I have been around my share of hurricanes and their aftermath. Every single photo and video I have seen of my home town and county is heartbreaking and I guarantee it’s way worse than what the photos show. I encourage you to look on newland, and banner elk facebook pages to see what has happened to my area
PartyBullshiitI live in southern Florida and deal with these storms annually. I was in marathon when the storm was arriving. My aunt lives in Pensacola and had 6ft of storm surge. My best friend lives in northwest SC and dealt with 4ft of flooding. The person who takes care of our cabin lives in West Waynesville and had his property half covered with flooding, our lower neighbors home on the mountain was literally washed away, our garage was literally washed away from a landslide , I’m well aware of the images and videos from the area. I’ve been following and being updated non stop everyday. I’m just not hearing the insane numbers you’re talking about. Again I have zero doubt deaths will rise but literally no area in west NC is reporting 200+ deaths in a single city let alone the entire state. Hyperbole is real during post storm chaos. The reality is more likely that most people are just cut off from communication because of reduced cell service. If 200+ people die in NC alone and 200+ people died in all other states that will literally be unprecedented in history. Just not likely.
Rock_InhabitantThis guy takes time out of his day to say that he ain’t buying literal death tolls
PartyBullshiitLearn to read kid. I’m saying the literal exact opposite. Death tolls are being reported as 200 TOTAL at the moment. He’s saying now double that when no one is reporting such numbers. I’m saying I believe the numbers being reported currently. Not hyperbole being claimed by random people. Go back to sleep.
PartyBullshiitLearn to read kid. I’m saying the literal exact opposite. Death tolls are being reported as 200 TOTAL at the moment. He’s saying now double that when no one is reporting such numbers. I’m saying I believe the numbers being reported currently. Not hyperbole being claimed by random people. Go back to sleep.
ReturnToMonkeyOh I also took my FAA medical exam and found out my color blindness is minor enough that I can do any civilian flying. Time to see what the military has to say about it!
SendyMcSendyfaceDude congrats, the FAA can eat a sweaty dick. You got a branch/airframe in mind? I just got an opportunity to finish my degree and I'm also realizing that it'll give me a second chance at mil flying.
ReturnToMonkeyI don't really care too much, I just want to attend the best flight schools on earth. Would be sick to learn helis but also awesome to fly c-17 or anything in between
Jemsi fucking HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!
SchizoSkier101 degree fever fuckin me up rn. Worst part is i still have to go to class cuz I got firefighter class next week and gonna miss a week of school. Now I’m just going to class in a mask looking like a dork
ReturnToMonkeyI don't really care too much, I just want to attend the best flight schools on earth. Would be sick to learn helis but also awesome to fly c-17 or anything in between