I had wanted to ski Mount Superior nude ever since i saw the movie GNAR, I didnt want to do it out of respect to someone, or for the actual GNAR points, but because Mount Superior may or may not be one of the holy grails of skiing and its real easy to get to, and lets face it, when u are naked, shit is real.
Then one day on the internet i saw a photo, of a naked chick "on top of mt. superior" after not being aroused anymore by the sight of a rather attractive chicks ass on a mountain, i realized that actually no thats not the summit, or even a on a run of equal challenge. I kept my thoughts to myself in hopes that nobody would care enough to actually do it right.
On July 8th fresh from sea level, I realized that the ski gods were with me. The line that I had skied the year prior on June 17th was STILL good to go. You cruise off the summit of superior to the route that most ski in the winter which is a fin that drops onto another fin, onto an apron then heads left or right down to the lower apron to little cottonwood canyon road.

What would make the run badass, more badass than just skiing a mountain you climbed? I made a list, that grew and grew. The final list was... CLIMB STRAIGHT UP(could have climbed nude), SKI NUDE, ON STRAIGHT SKIS, ON THE LAST POSSIBLE DAY, AND AT NIGHT. I packed up my OLIN MARK IVs and headed up the mountain at 730pm JULY 8th.

The one good thing about skiing in July is that its warm, i sat on a rock, took off my clothes and was completely comfortable nude in about 60 degree weather. I snapped a few photos so I could claim it and dropped in.

The skiing was tense, not smooth, but fun somehow. I reached the first pinch, out onto the next fin, and the second pinch was a scary moment as it was about 5 feet wide, 45 degrees, and had water gushing out the sides. I made it through that fine, got to make some relaxing turns, before i took off my skis and traversed over rocks to maybe the scariest thing i have ever done skiing. A gnar traverse on summer snow over massive exposure with no arrest tool on gear from the 70s in the dark with only a headlamp with low batteries. I didnt have time to call home as i was tense, so tense i peed a little, so that counts.

I made it through that and luckily had no underwear on so the shit could fall directly onto the snow. The turns from there on were much more mellow and rocky, but fun as I skied all the way back to little cottonwood road, in shock staring at the summit 3,000 feet above. Mt superior nude, in July.

Vanessa, I cant believe you are pro, i skied Mt. Superior nude so much better than you!

But if nobody is around to see you get GNAR are you actually getting GNAR?