so hears the story.
I work over in north dakota for two weeks at a time, but my very first shift was a 5 week straight shift. In Willison ND there is no solid 7's. An average anorexic girl over there probably weighs close to 200 pounds. My job is on a oil drilling site with all guys and no privacy there is literally someone knocking on your door every 15 minutes. So when my shift actually did end I was looking for a shower and my own bed to sleep in. I knew i had a 10 hour drive ahead of me before I could sleep, and I left at 4 p.m. The drive went very smooth until about 150 miles from home and its 2 a.m. By this time i was swerving off the road and could hardly keep my eyes open, mind you I am in the middle of nowhere Montana and no stores to get a Red Bull or a 5 Hour Power, and i just want to get home. I tried turning the A/C didn't work, slap my face still no luck, pull over and walk a bit, worked for 10 minutes and i am back to dozing off. I am thinking what can i do to stay awake? Then it hit me. So i started beating off and it worked, so over the 90 miles i had left i beat off three times. I made it home on the road. And to this day and from now on i will always claim beating off saved my life. So arrive alive beat off and drive!