Me and this girl have a pretty long history and we had been together for almost five months. Today, she got back from a month-long family vacation to Mississippi. This long time apart was pretty hard on our relationship and we ended up breaking up while she was gone. When she came back today she began posting facebook status's that she was hanging out with a group of guys that my group of friends doesn't get along with. Borderline hatred here.
Anyway, I was pissed off that she came home after a month and began hanging out with them before making any effort to hang out with me. She called me to get her iPod back that she'd left at my house before she left for Mississippi. After I got off the phone with her, I picked up her iPod and threw it in my closet. It cracked. Damage was unintentional. She's going to think I did it on purpose. Super solid situation.
Right now I'm thinking I'll put it in my mailbox and let her figure it out by herself. I don't feel completely terrible considering how big of a bitch she's been through the whole break up. It was also real cool that she was talking to me only to get this piece of shit back.

In addition, her facebook was logged in on her iPod. She was talking to other guys while down there.