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It's so they can look past their grain-of-rice-sized penis.
There can be no other reason. Bear tastes like shit, and I'd rather fuck on an Alpaca rug.
ok so they have no desire to eat it, yet they traveled halfway across the planet to find the best example of the species they possibly can and shoot it just to prove that they can? Lame.
Not saying that hunting doesn't have its place, but for me, meh... It's not even sporting to sit in a tree in a ghillie suit and take him out from hundreds of yards away with a 7mm remington or something like that. Get up close. Use a bow fer chrissakes.
To me, it always seems like hunters are so proud of themselves for shooting animals. They can't wait to show you the animal's head on their wall as if it meant something besides "Look how huge of a man I am, I kill the biggest things I can find for no reason other than to exert my technological dominance over another species- doesn't that make me seem more manly even though I only moved one finger to kill it!?!??." I have slightly more respect for bow hunters, but not much if they don't eat it. Sport hunters are a sad lot. Getting their dose of pride from shooting animals... Not that they owe anybody anything, but shit man, if you're shooting animals because you like it and not to feed yourself, surprise! You're a sick fuck.
Well then you're fine. I said as long as you use everything, it's cool to me. It's killing for the sake of killing I don't particularly like. There's population control, there's food and all kinds of good things that can come of it, but rabid sport hunters are hilarious imo.
You're right, it didn't say anything about being a big man in the article, it's the underlying psychological reasoning behind sport hunting that really brings the lols when you really analyze it from an outside, objective p.o.v. That's all I was really getting at. Why else would you shoot something? You know as well as I do that there are people who just love to shoot shit, and DO think it makes them more of a man. Just analyze the mental aspect of it- why would you travel across the world to kill an animal you have no intention of eating- and don't tell me they did because bear tastes like shoe leather and to argue it's for food is insulting to your own argument. It's a prestige thing, and I for one don't see any honor in it if you're not feeding your family with it. There's plenty of trophy hunters that just want the thrill of the hunt and the kill, which to me is kind of a sad way to get your kicks and feel some pride.
I recognize there's more to it than sitting and waiting- there's baiting, there's the scent game and there's stalking, but you know full well the majority of hunting is played out sitting around waiting, and I'd venture to ay that a majority of the tags taken are done so from a tree stand.
7 shots to kill it? Lol... Yeah, not impressed, and imo that's pretty cruel. I grew up on a farm in which I had to kill shit in order to eat it all the time, so I can identify with the sentiment to provide food, but always killed them as fast as possible. Would I feel good if I stalked the world's largest pig and shot it seven times to put it's head on the wall? No, and pigs are far more delicious than bears. Yes, I know how to shoot a gun and wow... Putting one shot on that bear? You're kidding right? Unless they had seriously twenty minutes of wind and it was the most humid day on record in death valley and I was getting a handjob during an earthquake, you can't jerk that trigger hard enough to NOT hit that furry barn lol...
Dude, not trying to insult you personally, it's just that I find the psychology behind what motivates trophy hunters to be HILARIOUS considering how seriously they tend to take themselves.
Oh, I'm not bagging on hunting in general, just sport hunting. It's perfectly respectable to put food on your fanily's table through your hunting abilities and I know it's a way of life for many... It's this safari type of shit that blows me away. People used to do this to tigers and elephants and shit too until there weren't enough left to shoot and now it's unimaginable to do so.
I know bigger bucks are smarter, that's how they got big. Darwin was right, the strong (and smart) survive the longest. No surprises there. They're pretty easy to lure, though. Feed stands, salt licks and scent usage can get them within range pretty easily. It's still no guarantee but man, it isn't even close to fair we have so many things going for us and to argue otherwise, well, would be to argue otherwise... Doesn't really mean much as opinions will always differ from person to person.
Who was the sports star from a few months back that shot a tame bear in a cage? I forget who it was but that's the type of shit that irks me. People kiling shit just to kill it. If you're feeding your family, more power to ya I say. Breaking down meat price by the pound when you only factor in the cost of the bullet can't be ignored ;)
And skill in shooting? This guy missed the kill from 175 yards with a .338. At elevation. With a spotter. That's all I'm even going to say.
As for fat ski technology, well I can't argue with you there. I certainly do love to kill it on my fatties :)
I like you.
I think we both know he just wanted to shoot something AK sized though, nobody eats bear twice by choice ;) Now elk, there's some delicious meat!
Well that's just it. It's hard to tell. Was his first shot decent? If so, most would just follow the animal and wait for bleed out. He shot it six more times tho- and it's impossible to speculate whether he's a good shot for landing those last six on the move or that he's not very accurate because the follow up shots may indicate a lack of accuracy on the first shot- maybe a trigger slap or who knows and it also doesn't say how many he missed out of the full magazine either so whatevs I guess but it sounds like the guy just emptied the mag at it.
The guide/spotter part I thought was kind of funny too. Why bother? It's not competitive shooting at long range, and a .338 will be dead on at that distance. "Where's my wind gauge/barometer/altimeter/topo map/laptop!?!?!?!" ;)
I'm no master hunter in the least but I've killed and dressed my own meat. I can fully appreciate the pride in providing through your own abilities, wits and awareness but also have a healthy respect for the lives I take. I see no reason other than pride and entitlement to kill an animal like this bear, and that's really all I was getting at. But yes, I am looking forward to trying my hand at bowhunting whitetail this year in case you were wondering.