Personally I think you die and enter a whole new level of consciousness. If there is one thing I have learned through my life is that there is way more to people and life that we can see. Energy is real and we are all connected. If you enter a room with a bunch of people mourning you will feel sad even if you don't know why they are mourning. Our bodies are not who we are, My body is what a Jake Schoonmaker looks like, but my mind my consciousness is what a Jake Schoonmaker is. I think when I die i will be infinitely knowledgable I will go back and view my family throughout their lives before i was born and memories i have of them when i was alive. A state of pure happiness. You will see the wrongs you committed and have strong emotion for them. But at the end of this experience you will be in another connected plane. A plane with everyone else who is dead. every one is happy. Everyone is all knowing. Everyone is happy because they realize as they die the most important thing in life is to be happy. Nothing else matters. I think we will be able to be with our deceased friends and family and we will be able to spiritually connect with our living friends and family. Maybe we enter our friends minds in their dreams and connect with them. Maybe when they are riding on a bus thinking about us we are the ones who go down and put that little smile on their face. My aunt passed away recently and when i think of her I smile and have the best memory of being a little kid and her putting wayy too much peanut butter on my pb&j. such a small memory but it makes me laugh. I just know there is more to living than our human shells. I believe our human shells are learning devices to teach our consciousness lessons and when we pass on all of our mistakes and faults are revealed and we have an Aha! moment where it makes sense. Idk I'm not a religious guy but i believe the better you are the better your dying experience will be. The worse you are the worse your dying experience will be. But i believe once you get past that experience you are on a plane of conscious being where even hitler experienced his wrongs and people will be consoled and all knowing even though a dead jewish man died from what hitler had created they know it was falters. That now its just peace and unity and love. Hitler would have gone through a horrific death experience seeing everyone that died because of his choices. He will feel all of their emotions and it will be a personal hell. The jewish man will feel the happiness of seeing an image of his son being born, helping out an old maid when he was a young man, he will feel the pain of breaking a girls heart in 8th grade. But once that experience is over. Everything will be right and ok and everyone dead wont hate on hitler because they will have known what he went through in his experience and they will be all knowing and peaceful and happy.
sparknotes: souls will go through all the pain they put on others, all the happiness on others, see their life and feel those feelings again. everyone will meet up in a tangible place of pure happiness all knowing and peace
so what do you all think?