Just sellin a bunch of stuff for money, the reason for different payment requests is because that my paypal is setup so I can only spend what is in it and not withdraw.
First, 2xl Aristocrat, fine besides lightly faded black part and some curvyness in the zipper.
$88 shipped check or cash mail order
Next 2xl Saga Triplestack thermal blue/black 9.5/10
25$ shipped check or cash mail order
Next are size 7 9.999/10 condition Janowskis (no laces)
40$ shipped paypal
Next are goggles, Eg1's 8/10, Murdered Spys 8/10,and dragons 9/10 along with spare persimmon le
Electrics- 25$ shipped, Dragons-30$ shipped, Spys-40$ shipped check or cash mail order
skullcandy icons and icon 2's
18$ shipped per pair or 30 together paypal
New Eras size 7 1/4
20$ shipped each either
New Eras, Rockstar is a flexfit, size 7 3/8
18$ shipped each paypal
thanks and sorry but no international buying