i need some information. its 4am and i can't find anything on google and too tired to read through threads to find it, if it's there.
cops have been following me recently... as in going out of their way to follow me yet they are not pulling me over. this has happened 3 times in the past 4 days... i see a cop, it will TURN AROUND and follow me to basically wherever i'm going. tonight i was turning right onto a street, a cop at the light turned to go the opposite direction on the street that i was previously on and drove a little while then turned around. we were pretty far down this road when we see headlights in the far distance.. not sure if its the cop or not. keep in mind that im going 1-2 over the speed limit, not acting suspicious and i am sober. (driving drunk people home) within 10 seconds the cop is right behind me... he had to speed to catch up with me because he was a LONG way back. follows me for a good 10 minutes until i turn into the apartment complex (my destination)
i pull out of the complex and he is sitting at the albertsons right across the street just waiting.
throw some laws at me.. is it legal for a cop to follow you? he was deliberately following me with no reasonable suspicion. not only that, but he had to break a law to follow me... and he never pulled me over. this has been happening a lot lately.
also is it legal for cops to speed let's say 55 mph on a 30mph road without lights, then stop at a red light? it obviously wasn't an emergency... ?
sorry for the rant im super fucking tired and annoyed.