Replying to Where the NS hoodies at?
I havn't been on for a while, and now that i have $ i was gonna help out the site some more and buy a sweet NS hoodie, except under the shop and apparel i can only find abode stuff. I was lookin forward to the ski sweatshirt w/ our badass mute logo. Any ideas where they went
McConkey: 'What the hell are these things?! What are you a mountaineer of something. He's got ropes & shit hanging off him. Haha!' - about Dean Cummings
McConkey: 'The polaroid doesn't help at all, I took it of the wrong face.'
Dean Cummings: 'Thats what makes you a pro Shane, not knowing.'
MC: 'Just ski down there and jump off something for crying out loud!' - Shane about to 1st descent
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