So it has come down to this. Free skiing half-pipe will be featured in the 2014 Olympics.
Honestly. I saw this coming, and am pretty pissed at myself for not standing up and speaking my opinion.
First of, to me skiing is not a sport and shouldn’t be treated as one. The free online dictionary defines a sport as, “Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.” That doesn’t really sound like the skiing I know. To me Skiing is complete freedom. NO RULES, CUSTOMS, and most importantly NO REQUIREMENT TO COMPETE. Skiing is a lifestyle, a FUCKING RAD underground lifestyle I don’t want made mainstream
Next lets look back to 1998 or whenever Snowboarding made its debut in the Olympics. What has happened to Snowboarding since? Well for those of you that aren’t 16 year olds skier cholo’s, and can remember before this shit was cool. You probably remember the, well I don’t want to say persecution, but the dis-respect toward skiing. Mostly entirely fueled from the Snowboarding community. At the time they were the cool cats on the mountain. I remember nearly every kid at school that skied quitting to be a “Boarder BRO”. It’s funny to look at what has become of snowboarding, It seems like the big time pipe jocks are almost household names, known by the Average 300 pound American that can also list of the cast of the jersey shore. FUCK THAT. I don’t want that for SKIING!
Ok, so the Olympics has accepted Snowboarding as a, “sport” (ughh) for 13 years now correct? If they are going to accept us now, why didn’t they do it 13 years ago? Answer, because skiing wasn’t cool to the general public, but dudes on snowboards in stunt ditches was? WTF? If they didn’t want us then, we don’t want them now. They don’t believe in our cause, never will, and are only using us to make a buck. Look at the other “sports” associated with the Olympics such as curling, figure skating, mogul/race skiing. How can you compare free skiing to those? Skiing is un-deniably BAD ASS to the core, and more fucking rock N roll than any of you will probably ever realize.
So, that is my opinion on Free Skiing in the Olympics, I wish I would have had the courage and knowledge to say this when it could have mattered.
Think about it before you hate.