So I was thinking of sending out a disposable or two to random people each with 24 exposures and have them take photos of whatever they wanted to document, maybe pass it along to the people in their friends group and eventually send the cameras back to me to get developed, sift through what looks interesting, this would be more of a rough draft of what the end product might actually be (it could go in many directions such as: reenactments [an example of this is my roommate series in my redbubble portfolio that should be in my sig] or original prints with little or no post production editing).
*(The sending a camera idea was taken from NSG when someone suggested they have one circulate around NS and I thought that would be an interesting art project)
Secondly (different idea), I am thinking of leaving a disposable on a street corner with a note that simply says take me with you, or use me, or some thing along those lines. With this idea I would leave the camera at a corner and I'd keep an eye on it, blend in with the crowd, disposable of my own at hand, and basically stalk the "photographer" until they finish the roll or set it down for the next person who stumbles across it
This sounds super creepy but its an idea derived from Sophie Calle's photo work, I'm an art student trying to churn out ideas for my final year coming up in September and keeping ideas in mind and such is a habit I'm trying to start up.
Heres Sophie Calle's wiki page (if you're interested in reading about her work and the series I'm talking about is Suite Venitienne (1979):
If I were to send a disposable or two around to two lucky randoms (or possibly more), would anybody be down? Also what are your thoughts on the street corner idea?
These photos will be printed and kept for reference if I start this project, and if my interest in the subject stays, I might develop this idea further once the semester rolls by. Finally if the project actually moves on I will have them up online (this is way way into the summer possibly into the school year, I just want to flush out all the details).
If you made it this far though reading my schpiel, this may or may not make sense. I've been up super early and haven't slept much the past two days. Questions?
(If my "portfolio" isn't in my sig - the roommate series is the type of reenactment of documented events in mind)