Recently, I've noticed A LOT of people on NS who just don't know how to embed an image, video, song, etc. I shouldn't be the one to talk, as I just mastered it 5 minutes ago, but I figured I'd spread the love around and help the others. Looking around, there isn't exactly a CLEAR tutorial on most forms of embedding, usually just one in a thread, with mixed opinions on what works.
1. Go to the page of the video you wish to embed.
2. Click the "share" button located at the bottom of the video window.
3. Click the "embed" button on the left side of the newly-opened box.
4. Check the box for the old embed code, and pick the smallest sized frame. This is very important, as the new code doesn't work on NS.
5. Copy the embed code in the box
6. Go the thread you wish to embed the video into, and click "reply thread"
7. Going up toward the top of the text box, there's a little square with a slanted f inside a circle. Click it.
8. Copy the embed code from YouTube, and click "add video"
9. The video should appear in the text box, in which case you can add whatever else you want to and reply.
1. Go to the video you wish to embed.
2. Click the "<embed>" button located on the right side of the video window.
3. If you wish, adjust the options, but otherwise copy the embed code.
4. Repeat steps 6-9 of the instructions above.
1. Search the image you wish to embed on google images
2. Click the image once, so that you're at the page with the small version of the image at the top left corner of the screen.
3. Copy every part of the url AFTER the first = sign.
4. Go to the thread you wish to embed into and click "reply thread"
5. Copy the url, and at the beginning of it, add [IMG] and at the end add [/IMG]. it should look like this: [IMG]....url......[/IMG]
6. Add anything else you wish, and then reply.
ALRIGHT. now there's no more excuses. Read this thread, and learn to embed!!!