i seriously hope that by "out of the case" you mean a small camera bag you got, and that you have a chip in the lense on the waterproof housing....
if that's the case you can get replacement lense kits for uber cheap and even replacement housings for like under 30$
however if you mean by "case" the waterproof housing and put your fragile 300$ gopro camera in your skibag without the WP housing, you're fucked and you should probably care a little bit more about your gear...
every sane person can see how fragile a gopro is outside of the housing and can see that the lense isn't even covered, thus making it extremely vulnerable to scratching.
+ Why would you even take it out of the housing, only moments i do that is to charge/load data or to record things where i need good sound ..... I'd never put it away without the housing tough ...