epoxy that shit and keep that edge on the outside (ie. if its the right edge, keep that ski on your right foot, if its the left edge, keep it on the left foot)
also, if it was my ski, and it was missing that much edge, it s probably a beater ski anyways, so make sure you use epoxy royally, roughen up the spot and make sure it's dry !
then apply a royal amount of slow curing epoxy, possibly mixed with steel wool for enhanced abrasional strength/cracking, smear it out, also over the remaining edge, so you basically get a bit of a blob runnin over the spot and even going a little bit over the good edge....
then let it dry for a day or two and take a piece of sandpaper or a basefile and smoothen it out , but make sure you don't expose the corners of the remaining edge, they should still be covered in epoxy, cause those spots are most likely to catch something and start ripping out further...
(this method is in no way gonna fix your ski, but if it was mine, i think i'd give this one a try, or if i feel like experimenting i'd get a strip of edge from a shop and try replacing the edge, altough it'll probably rip out after a few turns)
but anyways, definately look into wearing that missing edge on the outside, it'll do your ski good!