I got that mount that Kipon mount that has aperture control
Alright, so its not real aperture control, but it will do the trick for the time being (also I guess its not good on telephotos and you should really use it past 6). I just have a lot of canon lenses right now that I wanted to use immediately so I snagged this quickly.
I am eventually going with the Nikon glass with god knows which mount (theres too many to decide from). Which mount(s) are you getting?
Ill probably roll with the canon lenses for the first couple of weeks and then switch over to Nikons once I get the canon stuff sold and a couple of extra dollars in my bank.
I also got the kit lens just because the stabilization and auto focus work great on it. Figured I could use the good auto focus a lot with skiing, and plus its not that slow of a lens for that sensor.