We got ourselves a pretty big sale. Everything is BEST OFFER, feel free to offer whatever, but not any insane lowballs.
Ok here we go.....
First up we got a XL Green Hatchman. It is good condition. the only thing wrong with it is a little bit of a zipper wave. It is a really sick piece but i need the money. looking to get $75 shipped. zipper length is 31 inches.
Second, 2xl Jiberish Heavy Mint. In good condition. 8.5/10. It has a few stains on it that aren't very noticeable. Looking to get $60 shipped. Length is 32 inches.

Thirdly. A Panasonic SDR-S7. Its in really good condition, 9/10. It just has a few tiny scratches. Comes with a 2gb SD card. This would make a great starter edit camera. Its really small and light! Not looking for much on this. $85 shipped (it wont be much because it is so small and light.)
Fourth. 686 jacket. not sure what model. really warm. selling because my dad bought me a new jacket. 9/10 condition IMO. I dont know how much on this one so ill start it at $20 shipped. The zipper length is about 33 1/2 inch. sorry for crappy pic quality.

Fifth. A windells 2xl Tall Tee. It is in pretty good condition. Its really sick IMO. Its kinda starting to crack and there are a couple stains( I think they are from bleach? You can as Goonerville11). It is 29 inch long. really sick but it just doesnt fit me right (im 6'4, 260lbs.) Lets start this thing out at $20 shipped.

Sixth. Some Skullcandy Icon 2s. I really like them, but i need some money. they are in great condition. I have only used them about 10 times at school. they were not stored in crammed areas like a backpack. they are great for sports, they dont fall of your head very easly. I would like to get like $15 hipped.
sorry for bad pic quality.

Seventh. A skullcandy bandanna. Not much to say other than never used other than to try on. Its pretty warm. $8 shipped.

Eight. A ipod nano 2gb with a broken screen. I sat it weird and the screen broke. still plays music. I would like to get like $8 shipped.

Ninth. A XL Nike rain coat/ windbreaker. Its really pretty sick. The pic makes it look faded but its not. its a lot darker in person. The zipper is 30 inches. not very water proof. Id like to get like $15 shipped.
If you have any questions please just ask. and the prices are very negotiable. Sorry if there are any missed spelled words. and I hope all the pics work!