The majority of people living today, are living what they might think are relatively good lives. Little do they know... That thought is very far from the truth. Notice how almost no one ever cares enough to look into why certain things happen, or what might have been the cause for an event. The fact of the matter is that people are very comfortable just accepting everything that happens to them. It’s pretty safe to say that the world isn’t in very good shape at this time, and many people would agree. Why are parts of the world in famine, and extreme poverty? Others struck with disease, and war-ridden areas? Human rights violations, religious struggle? Thinking like an average person, you would probably just find an excuse to put all of those problems out of your head. Not for one second would you even come across the slightest idea that maybe all these issues are connected somehow? Now just for a little while disregard everything you’ve been told in your life time, and give yourself a chance to think on your own for a bit. Forget everything you’ve heard from the news, your parents, teachers, anyone. Think of how much information we are fed on a daily basis. We take it for granted and don’t think too much of it, but when it comes down to it we are heavily influenced by the things we hear. So delete all of that from your memory. Have you also noticed lately that the world is in a constant state of fear? We as humans are scared of anything, and everything. The world today is in a very heightened state of suspicion. Generosity is hard to come by, and it seems to me that everyone is really only out for themselves. Is it possible that there could be a greater influence that is linking all of this together? Now that you are thinking “out of the box” per se; would it be absurd to think that maybe the world is actually controlled by an elite group of “puppet masters”? Truth be told this is exactly the case. This very secretive group that makes the decisions behind closed doors are generally referred to as the Illuminati. What’s the Illuminati’s main goal, and how have they influenced history trying to achieve this? At this time all of this may be very hard to swallow, and trust me it should be. But bear with me and all of this will begin to make sense.
The Illuminati are a very secretive group of occultists who are incredibly wealthy. The members consist of people in very high places who stand above the law. This isn’t just a bunch of people trying to get some excitement in life, this is something a lot more serious and evil. Their organization is extremely well structured, almost flawlessly. That plays a big role as to why they are still such a secret. A lot of people know of their existence, but really that doesn’t mean anything unless you look into it. They started off as 13 very rich families who were always in control. The society knows that they must always be creating and training new members in order to keep it going, but this really contradicts with their belief of keeping the bloodline pure. So what usually happens is a lot of interbreeding occurs. These families are the owners of all the federal banks, the oil companies, the more powerful industries of business and trade, and most governments; or at the absolute least control them. which makes it obvious they are the ones that are going to have the most money. And as we all know money equates to power so unfortunately they are on top.
Probably the biggest belief in the elite society is the occult. The occult is the study of hidden wisdom or forbidden knowledge. It deals with things related to science like magic, ESP, alchemy, astrology, spiritualism etc. Members are always sworn into the brotherhood with satanic, and black magic practices. The fact of the matter is that the Illuminati members are devil worshippers, and they all practice satanic rituals often even including human sacrifice. Another firm belief is that of the six disciplines of training within families. Which include military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership, and science. These are the core subjects of illuminati trainees. The members are taught this from a very early age, and like robots are programmed to do what the big dogs want.
There is actually a purpose to all of this madness believe it or not. The main goal of the Illuminati is to create a malevolent slave society known as the “New World Order”. Over the years we have heard many presidents speak about this such as Bush, Clinton, Obama, and others. The plan is for the top 1% of the population to remain on top, and control everything so they can live the high life where as for us peasants we do whatever they wish. The Society has been attempting to perform a mass genocide using formulated diseases, wars, and other methods. They plan to exterminate a very large portion of the population leaving the total down to about two billion. As you can most obviously tell this isn’t working seeing as the population is steadily on the rise. The plan is to achieve this goal for 2012, and no one really knows what they are going to do. In order to create the New World Order they need to create a one world government. For this to happen they need to try their best to make the world today as equal as they possibly can. Have you noticed at all how our country is going down the drain? Our dollar is probably not going to be the main reserve currency for much longer. Many countries are simply refusing to take dollar bills, because with the ridiculous amount of debt we’re in right now they are almost worthless. This isn’t just a coincidence. You can argue and say that “If the elite control everything, then why don’t they just take over?’. This is because they have to remain secret, and also they are really in no position to do so and would probably run the risk of being overthrown. As i was saying, this is not just a coincidence because other less developed countries are being helped out. See it all fits together now. Everyone can just blame our countries failure on the current President where in reality he has nothing to do with any of the decisions he makes. And the actual bad guys get all the credit for “helping out” 3rd world countries when all they are actually doing is becoming closer, and closer to their ever so ridiculous goal! America, Canada, and Mexico are going to become one. This was very close to happening back when George W. Bush tried to merge the countries by creating the super highway... it’s a good thing he wasn’t able to do that. After this new country the American Union is formed, the elders plan to create a special currency just for us! How lucky are we right? This is going to be called the Amero. Soon the Asian Union, European Union, and African Union will all be created. Once they have four together they will be much closer to achieving their goal of a one world government.
It’s generally hard to fathom the idea of mind control, but when explained in-depth it makes perfect sense. How the Illuminati uses this to their advantage is a pretty easy concept to grasp. A person could safely say that the music industry today is complete garbage as far as content goes. Nothing that gets played on radios is good anymore. It’s all about drugs, sex, and violence. The Illuminati controls the industry so ultimately it is up to them what gets played and what doesn’t. The music we listen to today heavily, heavily influences the people who listen to it most (the teenagers). This music steers kids in the wrong direction. Towards satan, and the dark side. The worst part is even some of the artists talk about the Illuminati. Some say negative things about it which is very dangerous. Tupac Shakur’s “unsolved mystery” is unsolved for a reason. Pac spoke out against the elite, and he paid the price. No autopsy or anything... coincidence, I think not.
The movie industry is also controlled by the Illuminati where they do the same exact thing by promoting all the wrong things to the children. Even the world-renowned Walt Disney has ties with the secret society. All his films were really mockerys of christian belief promoting satan. They love to put the truth out there in plain sight, you just have to look past a few things to get to it. You would think that people wouldn’t want to buy in to all this because it does sound awful, but they just can’t pass up the money that comes to them in return. People have become very greedy over time, and we seem to not really even notice. Everyone is out for themselves, and the Illuminati is very excited about this. because during a time of need we are all going to have to band together. Which will help them achieve the goal, and by the time we figure that out it will be much much too late for us to do anything about it. Celebrities play a huge role in recruitment. They are for the most part secret society helpers, and have been offered large amounts of money to do what they are told. They promote the elite, by using signs and signals that are really hidden messages. A very famous instance is that of Jay - Z. Jay is known for his infamous triangle sign which is really just the logo basically for the new world order. Funny that the record label he founded is called Roc-A-Fella... Doesn’t that sound a little bit familiar. Kind of like the rich scumbag Rockefeller family we know. AKA an Illuminati original elite family. The Illuminati tries their best to influence people to get them to do what they want, but sometimes it doesn’t work. The assassinations of Kennedy, and Lincoln are very strangely similar. There are a list of coincidences, but one can only see so many coincidences without having to wonder. The truth is that both of them tried to pass laws to create a new currency that used silver instead of gold as the main backing, and creating new bank notes. By doing this they both would’ve put the Illuminati members 100% out of business, and all of their plans they had been trying to accomplish for years would have went down the drain. By “stepping on the toes” of the elders the made a bad mistake. Obviously the members did not want to meet that fate so they paid people large amounts of money to make the hits. As they always do. Once again, coincidence? Not a chance.
A tactic that the Illuminati uses to generate revenue, and cause death is that of war. They formulate wars so that the people fighting don’t really even know why they’re fighting, but for some reason they all keep coming back and doing it again. Even World War One was engineered by the Illuminati. It is believed that King Edward VII was paid off by the Rothschild family to formulate it. He tricked Germany into thinking that England was going to stay neutral, but that was simply not the case. They also paid off Hitler to create WWII and his concentration camps. If you take a look at pre-ww2 hitler you will strangely notice that he had mane Jewish friends, and had flirted with communism and socialism. Literally overnight he completely changed, and became completely anti-semitic and anti-communist. Most people would question the truth of this, but the fact that all this is written down in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Iraq, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qeada are al just tools for the Illuminati to get what they want. With the 9/11 attacks they created another reason for the Government to lockdown the country, and bring everyone closer together for the ultimate goal of a New World Order.
In conclusion, the Illuminati is responsible for a lot of the major incidents that occurred in history If it weren’t for the power hungry elite, and their ever so unfortunate goal of creating a slave society the world would be a much better place. All the world wars, and other crazy events that took place would not have happened and we can have peace. All we live with and have been living with is civil unrest and unhappy people. Whatever happened to sticking to the constitution, and the pursuit of happiness. With the brotherhood all of that’s down the drain and we can kiss any thoughts of peace happiness and love goodbye. The thought of living in a benevolent society is marvelous, but with the shadow Government, and New World Order the future is looking quite grim for us Americans. Maybe there is a way we can stop all this madness. If that were the case you would most definitely notice a change in the way the events of the world were all being played out. No matter what you do the Illuminati wins, we cannot continue to live our lives like this. This is how it’s always been, and as the wise always say history repeats itself. So if we would like to see the change (not Obama) WE need to do something about it. We have to put a stop to all the madness, and change the awful historic events that are soon to come. At this point... they can only get worse. - gavin landry
Reading this now I really don't know what to think of it. I feel as if parts are true like the music industry but that's it. (i wrote this a while ago)