Replying to Gapped toothed carnies
NEWSCHOOLERS! today I lost 160 bucks playing a stupid game at a carnival.
i was playing to win an xbox...
here are the rules/game description:
there is a bucket thing that is slanted and it has a spring underneath of it. it's all greased up inside too...
you get this somewhat large rubber ball and you have to toss it into the bucket, without it hitting the rim AT ALL and it can't bounce out. you get ONE TRY to do this, and it starts at $5
if you miss, you match what you have paid so far. (if it hits the rim or doesn't touch the bucket at all, you get to shoot again)
i made three in a row, the goal is to make 10... not in a row, just 10. but remember, you must pay if you miss. once you hit the 10 mark, you win.
so i made some, missed. paid 5 more bucks. (10 total). made another and missed, then paid 10 more (20 total) missed, paid 20 more (40) made 2, missed paid 40 (80) i had ONE MORE TO MAKE. and at this point quite a few people were watching... nobody goes far in this game because they either run out of money or just give up. i doubled the 80 to make 160 fucking dollars and missed.
call me stupid, call me anything. i wasn't in the right state of mind... but if i had another couple hundred bucks i would have won. ALSO, if you win you get ALL of your money back, plus the prize. and he offered to buy the xbox for 300 from me if i won it. which means i would have made 300 bucks doing nothing basically, or had a new xbox.
but i don't. has anybody else played these stupid carnival/fair games and been successful? apparently a guy before me spent somewhere in the 3gs range and won a big tv and all of his money back. i don't know if he kept the tv or sold it back... but i'm so mad.
stories?! i'll never play a game like that again. unless i'm loaded. (not mentally but cashflow)
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