Find something you like to do and apply to skiing. I was never good enough to be come pro (or am for that matter) but I really enjoy skiing. Writing came naturally to me and started doing it for fun on my blog on this site. The rest is history.
My advice is to continue your education, intern at as many ski-related businesses as possible, and finish. After graduation, move to a ski town and be active and friendly to everyone. Even if they're a gaper. Actually, especially if they are a gaper.
Work shitty jobs that go late into the night so you can wake up early and grab first chair. Ski all over the mountain, make sure you have a couple nights off to party, and have the fucking time of your life. High five, duck ropes, hit the park, ski powder, film, photo, write, party, and go wild. That's why we all got into this. Anyone that tells you otherwise should get out of it.
When you're finished one of two things will happen:
1) You'll be "over it", become an "adult", and get a "real job" where you tell your cubicle partners how rad it was "back in the day." This isn't a bad thing. It's just not for everyone.
2) You'll move onto other positions because eventually good people will recognize you're a good person (Remember the friendly part from earlier? It's real.) and a hard worker (you delivered pizzas till 2 AM, snagged first chair, AND went to an internship in the afternoon? When do you sleep?) You'll make connections with reps, ski techs, pros, ams, upper management, marketing dudes, team managers, writers, photographers, filmers, and a lot of other great people willing to vouch for you when you apply for the Dream Job.
It all works out in the end. Keep the dream alive.