i had a thread going last year, this is what she said when i bumped it couple months ago..
"Awesome to see this bumped! The dream is still alive!
Unfortunately I did have to put this on hold...
A few weeks before things were going to go into production I found out I had a tumor near my lower spine. Since then I have had surgery to remove it twice but it's back for a 3rd time... Due to my health condition I lost my loan, and now due to the shitty economy, I haven't been able to get it back.
My parents house was also hit twice by a tornado this summer (stupendous luck), so they were unable to help me get it back.
In my mind, it was God's way of telling me it just wasn't time. I'm still young though, so I'm not in any kind of hurry. Besides, I'm starting to get noticed in the industry as a rider, so I'm going to see where my skiing goes before I sign off my life to a full-time career."