1) I'm looking to spend around $500. 600- 700 max. I will be able to afford accessories later.
2) I have very little experience using cameras. My friends and I filmed mostly with Gopros this season and I know how to work that.
2) I currently have no gear for filming (tripods, lenses, ect..) And my only editing software is iMovie.
4) I will probably use the camera for 95% filming on the mountain/ urban/ turf set ups. Keep in mind, we do a lot of night skiing.
5) I would very much like a camera that I could hand to my friends so we can all film each other. so nothing too complicated.
6) We mostly tend to do follow cams and side shots. But a tripod could definitely be something we use next season.
7) I am currently on a mac. I have iMovie, but I can use final cut express. I just need a lot of practice and patients. I would say I am a total novice though if someone asked me if I could use Final cut.
Please help me find the right camera with the right accessories for the right price.
All help is very much appreciated.