Right, that's not what I'm saying. The world is already quickly becoming more unified and people are starting to wake up to the underlying principle that, like you said, humanity is the sum of all it's parts and we all affect the outcome. I'm saying weed helps amplify that sentiment and at the same time it helps people open their minds up to new ways of thinking and seeing the world. You also said "big in the last 50 years" which is outright wrong... weed has been around and used for similar purposes for thousands of years, there are just more people alive who have more capacity to stay connected so it only SEEMS more prevalent
You say change will take hundreds of years, but the only changes that take so long are slow modification of existing systems. I'm not talking about that at all, I'm talking about the rapid dissolution of systems that aren't serving our best interests anymore... instead they serve the best interests of those with all of the money (example: Our tax dollars bailed out companies that have screwed us through bad and unsound mortgages etc. and yet they continue the same practices)
You said in your earlier post that my replies sound gloomy and that's not what I'm going for... but hearing that life can and will change so rapidly for everyone might have that effect. No, only positive change can come from all of humanity uniting against the systems holding us back. We may be the best-off that people have ever been, but the elephant in the room says that we could be 50 times more advanced if technology like tesla's and ford's had not been bought/stolen and repressed for the good of the almighty dollar. Start questioning everything around you, you will see what I mean